Beth Vargas is a Certified Professional Reiki Master/Teacher, Registered Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher with The International Center for Reiki Training, a Certified Angelologist and Healing Facilitator. Beth is certified to teach all levels of the Usui/Tibetan Reiki method, as Facilitator. Beth is certified to teach all levels of the Usui/Tibetan Reiki method, as well as, three levels of Angela McGerr’s Angelology and four levels of Healing with the Angels. Divine guidance has led her to combine these Angelic studies into a series of courses now called Angelology – Heali of Angela McGerr’s Angelology and four levels of Healing with the Angels. Divine guidance has led her to combine these Angelic studies into a series of courses now called Angelology – Healing with the Angels. her to combine these Angelic studies into a series of courses now called Angelology – Healing with the Angels. the Angels.
Beth is a Reverend with the Universal Life Church and with the Institute of Spiritual Development. She is happy to perform weddings, baptisms, house blessings, and other special moment in time ceremonies. ceremonies.
She is also a Mesa carrier and has studied Shamanism. She has also studied Jikiden Reiki with Frank Ajarva Petter completing Okiden level.
Beth has been studying Mediumship, Channeling and Trance with renowned Trance Master Eamonn Downey of the Arthur Findley College. Beth also teaches classes in Trance both beginning and intermediate. She has studied many modalities with various other instructors as well. intermediate. She has studied many modalities with various other instructors as well.
Beth Vargas founded Spark of Divine, LLC, and is now the founder and owner of Beth Vargas Healing LLC, based in Vero Beach, FL., and operating nationally and internationally.
She holds an Associate Arts degree in Administrative Business and an Associate Science degree in Computer Science. She taught computer science at parochial school. She is also a licensed Cosmetologist. She has many interests and is alway science at parochial school. She is also a licensed Cosmetologist. She has many interests and is always looking to add to her healing toolbox and takes as many courses as she can.
“I started doing energy work instinctively as a young child, assisting small creatures to heal. I have always loved animals, a love that continues to this day. Ask me about Reiki for your pet. I also facilitate healing using the Angels with Reiki, crystals and the other energies. I have been so blessed facilitate healing using the Angels with Reiki, crystals and the other energies. I have been so blessed to act as a channel for many beings. I will never stop learning new things. I feel very strongly the more we know, the more we can help ourselves and others. I am called to teach, to act as a healing to act as a channel for many beings. I will never stop learning new things. I feel very strongly the more we know, the more we can help ourselves and others. I am called to teach, to act as a healing facilitator and spiritual counselor in the service of love and light. more we know, the more we can help ourselves and others. I am called to teach, to act as a healing facilitator and spiritual counselor in the service of love and light. facilitator and spiritual counselor in the service of love and light.
I always knew that someday I would be called to open a healing center. As the years went by I wondered if what I felt was right. Then when I turned 43 I felt a great shift, once again knowing that the time was coming. At 48 began planning and saving for the future healing center. Of course t the time was coming. At 48 began planning and saving for the future healing center. Of course the Universe sped my “plans” up. I thought I had several more years of planning and saving. I just love how Divinely it all works out! Take the leap of faith, you will be amazed how wonderful life truly Universe sped my “plans” up. I thought I had several more years of planning and saving. I just love how Divinely it all works out! Take the leap of faith, you will be amazed how wonderful life truly is.” how Divinely it all works out! Take the leap of faith, you will be amazed how wonderful life truly is.”
© 2025 Beth Vargas Healing, LLC. Website by: Vero Web Consulting
Continuing Education Credits Available. These are live classes, attendance is a must.
6 CEUs available FL 50-15229 NCBTMB 111.
This class is from 9 am – about 3pm depending on the students.
Pre-registration required. Deposit due at time of registration.
6 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111
Pre-requisite Reiki Level I.
The class is from 9 – 3. Level II is very intensive.
8 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111
Prerequisite – Reiki Levels I and II Certification
This class is from 9 am – 3 pm $388. You must
Pre-register with a deposit payment plan available.
7 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111
Deepen your Reiki practice and learn to pass this beautiful gift on to others. Reiki Master is the teaching level. CEUS COMING SOON