Healing Services

We offer many healing services, both (group and private).

 Please call for times or appointments. 772-538-6211.

We strive to provide a safe and loving environment for your healing needs.

You can now schedule an online reading session with Beth by visiting:

We strive to provide a safe and loving environment for your healing needs.

Please note:

  1. Energy Healing Sessions or any other service offered here should only be used in the use of conventional medicine. All these techniques and modalities will be used in conjunction with allopathic medicine.  

  2. All practices are complementary to conventional medicine. ·  We do not diagnose or prescribe. ·  Practices are non-invasive balancing practices.

Services Offered

Aura Clearing

Aura Adjustment & Clearing

The Aura is our energy field that extends beyond our physical body. The medical profession calls this the Bio-magnetic field. Our auras can pick up energy from around us, from places and other people. We also release things into our auras some good some not so good. Our Aura can add people. Aura adjustment and clearing removes unwanted or unneeded energies and realigns the aura creating balance and a sense of well being. The unwanted or unneeded energies and realigns the aura creating balance and sense of well-being.


Chakra Clearing and Balancing

Chakra Clearing & Balancing

The Chakras are the energy centers of the body. When they are blocked or holding unneeded energy we feel out of balance and will often have trouble in different areas of our life depending on the chakra effected. This service clears out stagnant energy and get our chakras back in balance and alignment so we can move forward in life more effectively.


Cord Cutting, with Beth Vargas Healing

Cord Cutting

Cords are dysfunctional attachments we have to others or they have to us. Beth assist Archangel Michael in this process. This technique can be used to release many different types of energy, enabling behaviors, and to transmute past situations. Please note that thread of love can never be cut or harmed during this service.


Energy Healing Sessions

Everything is made up of energy and energy can and will create balance and healing. We offer several energy healing services or combined services depending on your current need.

These service include:

Angel Therapy with Beth Vargas

Angel Therapy

We channel the energy of the Angels who will often have messages and homework for us based on what they see. This energy is based solely on what is needed by the recipient. Often soft and always loving the Angels help move energy through our physical body as well as the mental and emotional bodies to assist us in healing on all levels.


Usui Reiki with Beth Vargas

Usui Reiki

A Japanese technique for stress reduction that promotes healing on all levels: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This gentle yet powerful energy continues to work within you beyond your Reiki Session.


Jikiden Reiki with Beth Vargas

Jikiden Reiki

Traditional Japanese Reiki as taught to Mrs. Yamaguchi by Hayashi Sensei. It is the same energy as Usui/Tibetan Reiki and works in the same way. Reiki heals on all levels. For information please read Usui/Tibetan Reiki.


Karuna Reiki session with Beth Vargas

Karuna Reiki ®

Karuna Reiki in its truest sense if not actually Reiki. Reiki is used here to mean energy. This was developed by William Rand using symbols that Patrick Zeigler received during his time in the Pyramid at Giza. This is a very powerful energy technique. It adds many layers when combined with Usui or Jikiden Reiki or used alone. As with all energy work we channel the energy and allow it to do what it needs to do for us and the client.


Crystal Healing with Beth Vargas


Crystals are a gift from the Earth. Every crystal has it’s own healing properties. When lay the crystals on or near the body they affect our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The crystals are often used in conjunction with one of the other energy modalities.


Meditation Therapy & Instruction with Beth Vargas

Meditation Therapy & Instruction

Private assistance in an area of your choosing.


Sacred Space Creation with Beth Vargas

Sacred Space Creation

We can help you design and create your sacred space.


Shamanic Healing with Beth Vargasa

Shamanic Healing

We channel energy and use Shamanic techniques to assist you with your healing.


Soul Retrieval with Beth Vargas

Soul Retrieval

Often times during a trauma in our life we will lose a piece of ourselves. Many times we are unaware that this has even occurred even though we will have a feeling of something undefinable being missing or of kilter. During a Soul Retrieval service we make contact with that missing soul facet to discover what needs to be done to create a sense of safety and love for it to return home.


Sound Healing with Beth Vargas

Sound Healing

Sound is energy and vibration that can heal in many ways. We use many different tools for sound healing, including tuning forks, healing-grade Tibetan bowls, alchemy crystal bowls, and elemental windchimes.


Spiritual Coaching with Beth Vargas

Spiritual Coaching

Similar to mentoring but we work on all areas of life to help you reach and fulfill your soul potential.


Schedule a Session

All modalities complement each other and can be combined for a powerful result.  Please call for times or appointments.

 Please call for times or appointments. 772-538-6211.

Prices vary (average $65 half hour and $130 hour)

We do work on a sliding scale bring last pay stub. Our belief is that no one should be turned away because of inability to pay. We also teach many of these skills for class information please call.

Remember you are the one doing the healing we are just here to hold space, channel the energy, and help facilitate your healing process in a safe and loving environment.

Please note:

  1. Energy Healing Sessions or any other service offered here should only be used in the use of conventional medicine. All these techniques and modalities will be used in conjunction with allopathic medicine.  

  2. All practices are complementary to conventional medicine. ·  We do not diagnose or prescribe. ·  Practices are non-invasive balancing practices.
Usui Reiki with Beth Vargas

Earn Continuing Education Credits in Reiki, Live on Zoom

Flow Into Expansion: Elevate Your Energy and Unlock New Earnings with Reiki


Continuing Education Credits Available. These are live classes, attendance is a must.

6 CEUs available FL 50-15229 NCBTMB 111.

This class is from 9 am – about 3pm depending on the students.

Pre-registration required. Deposit due at time of registration.

6 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Pre-requisite Reiki Level I.

The class is from 9 – 3. Level II is very intensive.

8 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Prerequisite – Reiki Levels I and II Certification

This class is from 9 am – 3 pm $388. You must

Pre-register with a deposit payment plan available.

7 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Deepen your Reiki practice and learn to pass this beautiful gift on to others. Reiki Master is the teaching level. CEUS COMING SOON